Invest in Your Home with Landscaping in Redmond

19 Feb 2024 | Green Spaces Landscaping |

As the economy continues to decline, many area residences have seen their home values decline. A number of homeowners are hesitant to invest money in enhancements to their home’s interior or exterior. Still, home improvement projects produce the monetary returns that homeowners expect. For example, a kitchen remodel project will provide a 75% to 125% return on an investment according to the realtors association of America. Also the return of a pool installation is in the range 20% to 50% according to a Penn State study.

Money Magazine writes that “an investment in a landscape project can produce a 100-200% investment recovery at time of sale”. In addition, a study by the American Nurseryman’s Association demonstrated that “properties with trees sold for 7-14% more that equivalent lots without trees”.
Not only is the sale price affected by landscaping, the days on the market are less for houses with “curb appeal.” When potential buyers arrive at a house for sale, their first impression is the landscaping. Even a simple clean-up and replacing damaged shrubs can go a long way to improve “curb appeal”.
Green Spaces Landscaping design team stands ready to assist you in your landscaping project to help improve your home’s appearance. Even if you plan to sell in several years, installing plantings now will provide time for the landscape to mature and look well established. Green Spaces Landscaping can provide a manicured look and ensure that your landscape matures without any issues.
Green Spaces is your partner in building a better tomorrow for you, your family, and your home.

Posted by: Green Spaces Landscaping


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