Pool Removal Services in Kirkland

19 Feb 2024 | Green Spaces Landscaping |

Do you have a pool that is a nuisance or a safety issue. Many new or existing homeowners find that a pool can be a maintenance headache or down right dangerous. With children and grandchildren enjoying the outdoors, a pool can keep you warring.

Our professional crews have years of experience in filling in pools. There is a right way and a wrong way to fill in a pool with permanent results. We have lost projects to lower bidders only to have the customer come to us several months later. We are called in to correct mistakes made by others. With out a proper demolition, fill, and compaction plan you will have a sink hole months later.

We prepare a strategic plans to provide a permanent solution. We also provide a 5 year warranty to give you piece of mind.

Do it correct the first time…..Call Green Spaces today!

Posted by: Green Spaces Landscaping


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